Distribution of Pb isotopic signatures in a hydrographic sub-basin of the Poços de Caldas Plateau, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Pb isotopes, sediment contamination, uranium mineAbstract
The Taquari River Basin, located in the Alkaline Complex of Poços de Caldas, in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is situated in an old volcanic caldera. In the study area there are fields and pastures; agriculture with cultivation of vegetables; rose plantations; and native forest, in addition to the Mineral Treatment Unit of Caldas (UTM-Caldas), which is part of the Industrial Complex of Poços de Caldas (CIPC), a uranium mining and processing facility. The main objective of this work was to investigate the isotopic Pb signatures of river sediments, rocks, mining tailings and fertilizer samples collected in the region surrounding UTM-Caldas in order to identify environments with influences from geogenic and / or anthropogenic sources. The results showed that there is an anthropic contribution (fertilizers and mining tailings) in some sectors of the Taquari river basin, generating possible concerns about the amount of elements that can be transferred to the water bodies. In addition, there is a significant geogenic contribution of naturally enriched areas, which have distinct situations that also generate an increase in the concentration of chemical elements in water bodies.
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