Thorium as a nuclear material: physics features and a safety analysis due to insertion of ThO2 in a PWR nuclear reactor fuel


  • Clóves Júnior da Fonseca Military Institute of Engineer
  • Cláudio Luiz De Oliveira Military Institute of Engineer
  • Marcos Paulo Cavaliere De Medeiros Military Institute of Engineer
  • Eduardo Henrique Fernandes Fonseca Military Institute of Engineer
  • Camila Oliveira Baptista Military Institute of Engineer



Thorium Dioxide, Physics Feratures of Thorium, Thorium As a Nuclear Material.


On this paper it is presented the main physics features of the thorium as a nuclear material and a security analysis due to insertion of ThO2 in a PWR nuclear reactor fuel by the determination and assessment of the sensitivity coeficients through the Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation - SCALE 6.1 nuclear code system. This work was motivated by the world tendencies to reseach and development of nuclear fuels based on thorium, because the limitations of uranium resources and the importance of nuclear energy to the humanity.


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How to Cite

da Fonseca, C. J., De Oliveira, C. L., De Medeiros, M. P. C., Fonseca, E. H. F., & Baptista, C. O. (2020). Thorium as a nuclear material: physics features and a safety analysis due to insertion of ThO2 in a PWR nuclear reactor fuel. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 8(3).




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