Numerical and experimental investigation of the water flow through PWR spacer grids
Spacer grids, LDV, CFD, Thermo-hydraulic, PWRAbstract
Spacer grids are one of main components of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuel assembly. They are able to improve heat transfer from rod bundles to the water flow by increasing turbulence and mixture of this flow. On the other hand the pressure drop increases because spacer grids. Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis have been used to understand how spacer grids affect the water flow. This analysis is important to improve spacer grids thermal-hydraulic performance. This paper aims to investigate numerically and experimentally the water flow through PWR spacer grids. The numerical and experimental procedures have been developed for a 5x5 rod bundle with spacer grids at the Nuclear Technology Development Center (CDTN) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. At CDTN, measurements of the velocity components are acquired with a 2D LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry) system and the numerical results are obtained using ANSYS CFX code. The measurements are obtained at one height downstream from a spacer grid and compared to CFD simulations for a flow rate at Reynolds number of 5.4x104 . Results show good agreement between both methodologies. The great repeatability and low experimental uncertainty evaluated (< 1.24%) in this work can be used to validate other CFD codes.- Views: 131
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