The importance of continuing education in the radiology service: a successful practice at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão
Educação Permanente, Radiologia, Proteção Radiológica, GestãoAbstract
The concept of permanent education is materialized in the possibility of exchanging knowledge after initial training. This theme is of great importance to society and needs to be explored to provide a reflection on the reality of health services. This study presents permanent education for radiology services in accordance with current legislation and the project implemented at the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão. The aim is to build a knowledge of continuing education in the health field, identifying the practice of this project and also contributing to the enrichment and theoretical dissemination aimed at diagnostic imaging services that make use of technologies with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Thus, improving the assistance and safety to radiology professionals and their users, through a gradual and appropriate knowledge.
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