Use of voxelized thyroid models to develop a physical-anthropomorphic phantom for 3D printing


  • Tayrine Moratelli da Silva Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria
  • Alexandre Barbosa Soares Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria
  • Eder Augusto de Lucena Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria
  • Ana Letícia Almeida Dantas Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria
  • Bruno Melo Mendes Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear da CNEN
  • Paulo Sergio Silveira Felix Junior SENAI/FIRJAN
  • Felipe Lima Bourguignon SENAI/FIRJAN
  • Márcia de Melo Dórea SENAI/FIRJAN
  • Eric Cardona Romani SENAI/FIRJAN
  • Bernardo Maranhão Dantas Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria



Simulador Tireoide-pescoço, Modelo Voxelizados, 131I, Impressão 3D.


The monitoring of the intake os radionuclides by workers and public individuals, using in vivo measurements, requires the application of calibration factors obtained with physical-anthropomorphic phantoms. In the case of 131I, the lack of anatomical realism of the phantom might impair the quality and reliability of the monitoring result. Thus, in order to develop a thyroid phantom by means of 3D printing, images of the voxelized models provided in ICRP 110 were used. The superposition of the images of the original model and the treated model demonstrate the maintenance of morphological characteristics. Therefore, image manipulation techniques applied in this work aimed to smooth the sharp angles of the original image and the prototype printing were considered effective.


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How to Cite

da Silva, T. M., Soares, A. B., Lucena, E. A. de, Dantas, A. L. A., Mendes, B. M., Felix Junior, P. S. S., Bourguignon, F. L., Dórea, M. de M., Romani, E. C., & Dantas, B. M. (2021). Use of voxelized thyroid models to develop a physical-anthropomorphic phantom for 3D printing. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 9(2C (Suppl.).



Congresso Brasileiro de Metrologia das Radiações Ionizantes - CBMRI 2020

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