Impact of electron beam irradiation in potato starch films containing hibiscus aquous extract
hibiscus, films, electron beam.Abstract
The development of starch films containing natural antioxidants is one alternative of active packaging. Starch is a well-studied natural biopolymer that can be used for the development of biodegradable films because it presents a low cost, is easy to obtain and presents good ability to form films. Hibiscus sabdariffa, commonly known as hibiscus, roselle or red sorrel, is an annual herbaceous sub shrub that contains many types of biocompounds, including organic and phenolic acids. The aim of the present work was to determine the influence of electron beam irradiation on potato starch film containing hibiscus extract. The aqueous hibiscus solution was prepared by boiling for 3 min 1% w/ml dehydrated hibiscus flowers in 500 ml deionized water. The film forming solution was prepared by casting (5% potato starch, 3% glycerol as plasticizer and the hibiscus solution) and irradiated in a 1.5 MeV electron beam accelerator Dynamitron II (Radiation Dynamics Inc.), with doses of 0, 20, 40 and 60 kGy. After drying some mechanical properties were measured. The tensile strength of the control films and the irradiated ones was established. There were no significant differences among them. It looks like hibiscus antioxidants were able to prevent the expected starch radiation degradation process caused by radiation generated free radicals.
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