The evolution of the nuclear emergency response plan using mechanisms of learning, innovation and communication


  • André Luiz Quadros CNEN



Organizational learning, Innovation, Innovation, Risk communication, Preparedness and response for a nuclear emergency, Integrated and systematic evolutionary model


In a modern world, where technological development becomes part of their daily lives, human beings are either consciously or unconsciously submitted to a variety of risks. Considering that any industry generates some type of risk to man or the environment and that to face these risks, it is necessary to develop emergency response plans for those situations, which despite being considered of low probability of occurrence, such as in the thermonuclear electrical energy generation, when they occur, they can have a significant impact on its surroundings. In this sense, this work aimed to identify and analyze the dynamics of preparation and response to possible emergencies in a nuclear power plant, based on the evolutionary change of an emergency plan and, aiming to understand the evolution of these plans, in light of the organizational learning processes, innovation and risk communication. Therefore, the research adopted an exploratory character, seeking evidence in documents, in emergency response planning meetings and in a so-called General Nuclear Emergency Response Exercise, conducting interviews with stakeholders and applying a questionnaire to the population living in the surroundings of the facility. The work also presents a model that facilitates the understanding of the proposed approach and values the importance of participation and cooperation between the actors involved within a perspective with the effective participation of society, confirming, in addition, the importance of the three studied processes, demonstrating that they can be treated and evaluated in an integrated and systematic way.


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How to Cite

Quadros, A. L. (2022). The evolution of the nuclear emergency response plan using mechanisms of learning, innovation and communication. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 10(3A (Suppl.).

