Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner Perfomance Assessment Using COCOSYS


  • hugo pontes Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas (IPEN)
  • gil teixeira
  • julian shorto
  • Alfredo abe
  • Cláudia Giovedi



Hydrogen, Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners, THAI test facility, Severe Accidents.


The progression of a severe accident in nuclear reactors is composed by a diversity of phenomena that are
Beyond Design Basis, such as Direct Containment Heating (DCH), Molten Corium Concrete Interaction
(MCCI), hydrogen detonation, and others. Currently, there are several devices and systems that allow
mitigating the progression of this events, avoiding the failure of the physical barriers between the nuclear
power plant and the environmental. In this context, the present work aims to reproduce the HR-14
experiment carried out at the Thermal-hydraulic, Hydrogen, Aerosols and Iodine (THAI) test facility through
the Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PAR) performance assessment with the COCOSYS code. The analysis
of the convergence of the results was performed using the Fast Fourier Transform Based Method (FFTBM)
and showed that the results had sufficient accuracy with the experimental data.


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How to Cite

pontes, hugo, teixeira, gil ., shorto, julian, abe, A., & Giovedi, C. (2022). Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner Perfomance Assessment Using COCOSYS. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 10(3A (Suppl.).




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