Workplace monitoring in the Radiation Physics and Metrology Laboratory (LAF-RAM)
dosimetry system, environmental dosimetry, thermoluminescent dosimetersAbstract
The values of environmental equivalent dose H*(10) using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) in the Radiation Physics and Metrology Laboratory (LAF-RAM) from 2019 to 2021 are presented. Fifteen measuring points are monitored on a total of 23 monitoring periods. The selected locations include the public areas, the supervised areas. The characterization of the environmental dosimetry of LAF-RAM was possible finding no significative variations in the temporal evolution of the evaluated periods and the results do not indicate any risk to occupational workers or members of public.
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evaluaciÓn de dosimetrÍa ambientAl en 6 puestos fronterizos del paÍs utilizando dosÍmetros termoluminiscentes de FEBRERO a diciembre 2016 (
LAF-RAM. Laboratorio de Física de Radiaciones y Metrología. Informe de Evaluación de Seguridad RA-FG-09. Managua Laboratorio de Física de Radiaciones y Metrología, 2020.
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