A qualitative approach of the regulation for the life extension of brazilian nuclear power plants





Long Term Operation, Aging Management, Life Extension, License Renewal


The advantages of Long-Term Operation (LTO) in dealing with the end-of-life-cycle issue of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) in operation today, when compared to the creation of new NPPs, have major social and economic implications. The Life Extension process of the Brazilian NPP Angra 1 has already started, and its methodology is well defined in the technical notes NT-CGRC-007/18, (CNEN, 2018a) [1] and NT-CGRC-08/18, (CNEN, 2018b) [2]. This work aims to present a critical analysis of the two technical notes. The technical notes are in an initial version, therefore, the results of their verifications and validations are presented, which were carried out through a qualitative analysis, the factors that can be modified to be adjusted and/or modified to generate improvements for the notes or documents that may replace them.


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IAEA, “Nuclear installation safety” https://www.iaea.org/topics/nuclear-installation-safety (2021a).

IAEA, “Nuclear power plant safety” https://www.iaea.org/topics/nuclear-power-plant-safety (2021b).

SALDANHA, P. L. C., Atividade de Licenciamento e Fiscalização em Centrais Nucleares no Brasil. COPPE/UFRJ- PEN –CON747, Notas de Aula, 2003.

GREGOR, Frank and CHOCKIE, Alan, Aging Management and Life Extension in the US Nuclear Power Industry, Chockie Group International, Inc., Seattle, USA (2006).

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USCFR, Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants. USCFR. The License Renewal Rule, Title 10, Part 54 (10 CFR Part 54), 2016.

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How to Cite

Tinoco Andrade, C. G., Moreira, M. de L., & Saldanha, P. L. da C. (2022). A qualitative approach of the regulation for the life extension of brazilian nuclear power plants. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 10(4), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2022.2052


