The importance of quality management system to certify radioprotection professionals in the medical field


  • Camille Pinho Vieira de Castro da Luz Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria
  • José Ubiratan Delgado Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria
  • Lídia Vasconcelos de Sá Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria / CNEN
  • Dayana Azeredo Conceição Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria IRD/CNEN



accreditation, Standard ISO/IEC 17024, radioprotection in the health area.


Certifying professionals in radioprotection (RP), according to the requirements and qualifications established in current Brazilian legislation, ensures that procedures and practices in radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine be performed based on the fundamental principles of radioprotection. However, in none of the regulations and resolutions of the country involving the use of ionizing radiation, the qualification in RP for interventional physicians, radiologists, radiotherapists, nuclear physicians, dentists, nurses and auxiliaries, specialists in medical physics, radiopharmaceuticals, technologists and technicians are clearly defined.  It is necessary to adoption a certification scheme through the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17024:2013 standard, which will benefit the professionals themselves as well as the patients increasing the safety in RP in the country. This is to the fact that there is no harmony in the regulation of these professionals with the responsible bodies, nor uniformity in practices through international recommendations. This paper proposes the implementation of a quality management system to certify these professionals according to the principles of radiation protection through a survey of needs regarding to the certification of people and the evaluation of systems implemented in other countries.


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How to Cite

Luz, C. P. V. C., Delgado, J. U., Sá, L. V., & Conceição, D. D. A. (2023). The importance of quality management system to certify radioprotection professionals in the medical field. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 11(01), 01–18.


