Comparison of the response of two scintillator detectors used in an environmental and occupational radiometric survey during the operation of the Argonauta reactor


  • Natasha Briggs e Silva Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)
  • Joana Batista Soares Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)
  • Rodrigo Carneiro Curzio Centro Tecnológico do Exército - CTEx
  • Matheus Santos Martins Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)
  • Magda Maia de Azevedo Tororó Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)
  • Ary Machado de Azevedo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)
  • Victor Araújo Vianna Ferreira Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)
  • Eara de Souza Luz Oliveira Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN)
  • Antônio Pedro Júnior Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN)
  • Domingos D'Oliveira Cardoso Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)



radiometric survey, reactor, scintillator detector, radiation monitor


The Argonauta research reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Engineering - IEN operates, under normal conditions, at powers ranging from 1.7 to 340 W, developing activities of a scientific-technological nature in the areas of neutron radiography, radionuclide production and conduction from experimental practices to graduate courses at CNEN research institutions and other Brazilian institutes of science and technology. During some security operations, the presence of investigators, students and/or operators inside and around the main hall of the Argonauta is required. Therefore, it is important to assess normal occupational exposure conditions when the reactor is in critical condition. This makes it possible to verify in greater detail the equivalent doses of ambient gamma radiation contained by the combustion of the fuel element inside the reactor room and in the surrounding areas, according to the Radiation Protection Plan (RPP) of this installation. In this work, a didactic activity was carried out to familiarize the students of the first period of the Master's Course in Nuclear Engineering, at the Military Institute of Engineering, with the procedures involved in the radiometric survey of the free, controlled and subsequent locations of this nuclear installation. This practice aims to identify the doses to which Occupationally Exposed Workers (OEW) and the general public are admitted, verifying compliance with regulatory requirements regarding the monitoring of environmental and local activities, as well as a comparison between the radiation monitors used.


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Relatório de Análise de segurança – RAS Reator Argonauta. Volume II – IEN/CNEN – Rio de Janeiro 1991.

Brasil, IEN/CNEN, 04/2002. Manual de procedimento administrativo e proteção radiológica – Reator Argonauta.

BELLIDO, L.F. Metodologia para medição e determinação na radioatividade da água do reator Argonauta. IEN/CNEN, 2006.

Brasil, IEN/CNEN. Relatório de Atividades 2015 à 2020. Rio de Janeiro. 2020.

CNEN NN 3.01. Resolução 164/14. Março 2014. Publicação: DOU 06.01.2015.

TSOULFANIDIS, Nicholas; LANDSBERGER, Sheldon. Measurement & Detection of Radiation. 4ª ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2015. Chapter 6 - Scintillation Detectors, p. 211-212.




How to Cite

Silva, N. B. e, Soares, J. B., Curzio, R. C., Martins, M. S., Tororó, M. M. de A., Azevedo, A. M. de, Ferreira, V. A. V., Oliveira, E. de S. L., Pedro Júnior, A., & Cardoso, D. D. (2023). Comparison of the response of two scintillator detectors used in an environmental and occupational radiometric survey during the operation of the Argonauta reactor. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 11(1A (Suppl.), 01–09.

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