Development of an acrylic emulsion paint added with cellulosic dispersion treated with an electron beam accelerator


  • Fernando Codelo Nascimento Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN)
  • Pedro Márcio Munhoz Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN)
  • Luiz Fernando Núbile Nascimento Instituto de Pós-Graduação e Graduação (IPOG-Goiânia)
  • Wilson Aparecido Parejo Calvo Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN)



Acrylic emulsion, Architectural paint, Ionizing radiation, Circular economy, Sustainability


Paint is a prevalent type of surface of coating well known to most peoPaint is a prevalent type of surface of coating well known to most people. It is an easy-to-apply product, with excellent physical and chemical resistance and a wide range of applications. The function of a paint is to protect and beautify amongst other properties. Paints are formed using five components: resin, pigments, fillers, solvents and additives. This work deals with a specific type of paint, composed of a water-based acrylic emulsion, whose film formation is by coalescence and used to coat walls and other surfaces. The aim of this innovative  research was to evaluate the effect of  the addition of cellulosic dispersion of waste paper tissues treated by electron beam irradiation to an acrylic emulsion-based paint. The methodology used was a case study carried out at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute that consisted of adding aqueous dispersions of cellulosic wipes with mass concentrations varying  from 0.1% to 10% in deionized water, and treated by electron beam processing with absorbed doses from 5 kGy to 50 kGy. The results obtained followed the parameters of the Abrafati Sectorial Quality Program. The main sample parameters analyzed  were specific density, which reached an average of 1.35 g/cm3; and covering power, whose value  of 93.55% was above the specified limit (minimum of 90%). Among other results obtained, improvements in appearance, applicability and functionality were significant.  It was concluded that this research constitutes an incremental improvement to the acrylic emulsion paints segment, and environmental sustainability, through the reuse of cellulosic tissue residues


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How to Cite

Nascimento, F. C., Munhoz, P. M., Nascimento, L. F. N., & Calvo, W. A. P. (2023). Development of an acrylic emulsion paint added with cellulosic dispersion treated with an electron beam accelerator. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 11(3), 1–18.




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