The radioactive contamination of ground and surface water near a uranium mine in Malawi


  • L. J. Majawa University of Malawi
  • O. A. Jegede North-West University, South Africa / iThemba LABS
  • V. M. Tshivhase North-West University, South Africa
  • B. T. Chobeka North-West University, South Africa
  • T. D. Mokgele North-West University, South Africa



Kayelekera, Uranium mine, Radioactive element, ICP-MS


Ground and surface water in the uranium mining area of Kayelekera in Malawi was assessed for concentration levels of radioactive metals. Potential health risks associated with the intake of these metals in drinking water from various sources were also estimated. Surface, groundwater and mine discharge water samples were collected and analysed for radio elemental concentration using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analytical technique. The results indicated a high concentration of 238U in water samples from lower Sere river. The activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K were however below WHO recommended limit. Health risk assessment using average committed effective dose were below the global average. Excess lifetime cancer risk values with an average of  for borehole water was calculated and found to be below the global average. Radiologically, the water quality of Kayelekera area post uranium mining activities has not been compromised, however close monitoring and treating of drinking water is recommended


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Author Biography

L. J. Majawa, University of Malawi

Lecturer of Physics in the Physics and Electronics Department at the University of Malawi.

PhD in Applied radiation science from North-West University


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How to Cite

Majawa, L. J., Jegede, O. A., Tshivhase, V. M., Chobeka, B. T., & Mokgele, T. D. (2024). The radioactive contamination of ground and surface water near a uranium mine in Malawi. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 12(1), e2341.


