Radiological hazard indices and elemental composition of Brazilian and Swiss ornamental rocks
Ornamental rocks, radiological risk index, granite, elemental compositionAbstract
The objective of this paper was to evaluate the radiological risk index of ornamental rocks sold both in Brazil and Europe and to correlate its radioactive content with their chemical composition. The 238U, 232Th and 40K mean values were 62 ± 65, 122 ± 111, 1126 ± 516 Bq kg-1 for Brazilian and 93 ± 59, 70 ± 67 and 1005 ± 780 Bq kg-1 for Swiss samples, respectively. The radiological index: radium equivalent, external hazard index, absorbed dose rate in air, annual gonadal equivalent dose, annual effective dose equivalent and excess lifetime cancer risk for Brazilian and Swiss samples were calculated. The main contribution for the radiological indices observed was the radionuclide 232Th, which is associated with REE, Br, Hf, Na, Rb, Sb and Zr in the rock matrix.
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