Standardization of P-32 radioactive solution


  • Caio Pinheiros Marques IPEN - Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research
  • Marina Fallone Koskinas IPEN - Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research
  • Jamille da Silveira Almeida IPEN - Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research
  • Ione Makiko Yamazaki IPEN - Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research
  • Mauro da Silva Dias IPEN - Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research



standardization, liquid scintillation, phosphorus-32, radioactivity


The standardization solution using three different methods is presented. The disintegration rate was determined by the CIEMAT/NIST and TDCR methods in liquid scintillator systems and self-absorption extrapolation method using 4π(PC)-β system. The results obtained for the activity of the 32P solution were compared and they agree within experimental uncertainties.


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Author Biography

Caio Pinheiros Marques, IPEN - Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research

Concluinte do curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN), autarquia associada á Universidade de São Paulo (USP), onde atua na área de metrologia de radionuclídeos.


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How to Cite

Pinheiros Marques, C., Fallone Koskinas, M., da Silveira Almeida, J., Makiko Yamazaki, I., & da Silva Dias, M. (2017). Standardization of P-32 radioactive solution. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 5(3-A).



III Brazilian Congress on Metrology of Ionizing Radiation