A Continuous Energy Neutron Transport Monte Carlo Simulator Project: Decomposition of the Neutron Energy Spectrum by Target Nuclei Tagging


  • Luiz Felipe Fracasso Chaves Barcellos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Bardo Ernst Josef Bodmann Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Sergio de Queiroz Bogado leite Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear
  • Marco Túlio Menna Barreto de Vilhena Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Monte Carlo, neutron transport, continuous energy, reaction tagging, thermal neutrons identification


In this work the latest developments a Monte Carlo simulator with continuous energy is reported. This simulator makes use of a sum of three probability distributions to represent the neutron spectrum. Two distributions have known shape, but have varying population of neutrons in time, and these are the fission neutron spectrum and the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The third distribution has an a priori unknown and possibly variable shape with time and is determined from parametrizations of Monte Carlo simulation. In this work the possible neutron-matter interactions are simulated with exception of the up-scattering of neutrons. In order to preserve the thermal spectrum, neutrons are selected stochastically as being part of the thermal population and have an energy attributed to them taken from a Maxwellian distribution, such an approximation is valid due to the fact that for fast neutrons up-scattering occurrence is irrelevant, being only appreciable at low energies. It is then shown how this procedure can emulate the up-scattering effect by the increase in the kinetic energy of the neutron population. Since the simulator uses tags to identify the reactions it is possible not only to plot the distributions by neutron energy, but also by the type of interaction with matter and with the identification of the target nuclei involved in the process.


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How to Cite

Chaves Barcellos, L. F. F., Bodmann, B. E. J., Bogado leite, S. de Q., & de Vilhena, M. T. M. B. (2021). A Continuous Energy Neutron Transport Monte Carlo Simulator Project: Decomposition of the Neutron Energy Spectrum by Target Nuclei Tagging. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 8(3B (Suppl.). https://doi.org/10.15392/bjrs.v8i3B.401



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