Gross alpha and beta activities in drinking water from Goiás state, Brazil


  • Raquel Maia Mingote Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear - CNEN
  • Regina Apolinária Nogueira Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Centro-Oeste - CRCN-CO / CNEN
  • Heliana Ferreira Da Costa CRCN-CO - Radioproteção



radioactivity, liquid scintillation, censored data


Detection of gross alpha and beta radioactivity is important for a quick surveying of both natural and anthropogenic radioactivity in water. Furthermore, gross alpha and gross beta parameters are included in Brazilian legislation on quality of drinking water. In this work, a low background liquid scintillation spectrometer was used to simultaneously determine gross alpha and gross beta in samples of the public water supplies in the state of Goiás, Brazil, during 2010-2015. Sample preparation involved evaporation to concentrate the sample ten-fold. The results indicate that the water meets the radioactivity standards required by the regulations MS 2914/2011 of the Brazilian Department of Health. Concerning the high level of censored observations, a statistical treatment of data was conducted by using analysis methods of censored data to provide a reference value of the gross alpha and beta radioactivity in drinking water from the state of Goiás. The estimated typical activities are very low, 0.030 Bq.L-1 and 0.058 Bq.L-1, for gross alpha and gross beta, respectively.


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Author Biographies

Regina Apolinária Nogueira, Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Centro-Oeste - CRCN-CO / CNEN

CRCN-CO - Radioproteção

Heliana Ferreira Da Costa, CRCN-CO - Radioproteção

Departamento de  Radioproteção.


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How to Cite

Mingote, R. M., Nogueira, R. A., & Da Costa, H. F. (2019). Gross alpha and beta activities in drinking water from Goiás state, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 7(3).


