Safety assessment driving radioactive waste management solutions (sadrwms methodology) implemented in a software tool (safran)
In 2004, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organized the International Project on Safety Assessment Driving Radioactive Waste Management Solutions (SADRWMS) to examine international approaches to safety assessment for predisposal management of radioactive waste. The initial outcome of the SADRWMS Projectwas achieved through the development of flowcharts which could be used to improve the mechanisms for applying safety assessment methodologies to predisposal management of radioactive waste. These flowcharts have since been incorporated into DS284 (General Safety Guide on the Safety Case and Safety Assessment for Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste), and were also considered during the early development stages of the Safety Assessment Framework (SAFRAN) Tool.
In 2009 the IAEA presented DS284 to the IAEA Waste Safety Standards Committee, during which it was proposed that the graded approach to safety case and safety assessment be illustrated through the development of Safety Reports for representative predisposal radioactive waste management facilities and activities. To oversee the development of these reports, it was agreed to establish the International Project on Complementary Safety Reports: Development and Application to Waste Management Facilities (CRAFT). The goal of the CRAFT project is to develop complementary reports by 2014, which the IAEA could then publish as IAEA Safety Reports. The present work describes how the DS284 methodology and SAFRAN Tool can be applied in the development and review of the safety case and safety assessment to a range of predisposal waste management facilities or activities within the Region.
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IAEA. “Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards”. INTERIM EDITION. IAEA Safety Standards Series, GSR Part 3, IAEA, Vienna, (2013).
IAEA. “Principios Fundamentals de Seguridad”. Nociones Fundamentales de Seguridad No SF – 1, IAEA, Viena, (2007).
IAEA, “Convención Conjunta sobre Seguridad en la Gestión del Combustible Gastado y sobre Seguridad en la Gestión de los Desechos Radiactivos”, INFCIRC/546, Viena, (1998)
IAEA, “Gestión previa a las disposición final de desechos radiactivos”, Colección de normas de seguridad del OIEA, GSR Parte 5, Viena (2010);
IAEA. “Evaluación de la seguridad de las instalaciones y actividades” Requisitos Generales de Seguridad Parte 4 (GSR Parte 4), IAEA, Viena, (2010).
IAEA. “Safety Case and Safety Assessment for Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste”, Safety Guide DS284, IAEA, Vienna (in publication)
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