Dosimetry and optimization in digital radiography based on the contrast-detail resolution


  • Wilson Otto Gomes Batista IFBA
  • Alexandre Gomes de Carvalho Secretaria de Saúde do Estado da Bahia



Contrast-Details, Optimization, Dosimetry


Contrast-detail (C-D) curves are useful in evaluating the radiographic image quality in a global way. The objective of the present study was to obtain the C-D curves and the inverse image quality figure. Both of these parameters were used as an evaluation tool for abdominal and chest imaging protocols. The C-D curves were obtained with the phantom CDRAD 2.0 in computerized radiography and the direct radiography systems (including portable devices). The protocols were 90 and 102 kV in the range of 2 to 20 mAs for the chest and 80 kV in the range of 10 to 80 mAs for the abdomen. The incident air kerma values were evaluated with a solid state sensor. The analysis of these C-D curves help to identify which technique would allow a lower value of the entrance surface air kerma, Ke, while maintaining the image quality from the point of view of C-D detectability. The results showed that the inverse image quality figure, IQFinv, varied little throughout the range of mAs, while the value of Ke varied linearly directly with the mAs values. Also, the complete analysis of the curves indicated that there was an increase in the definition of the details with increasing mAs. It can be concluded that, in the transition phase for the use of the new receptors, it is necessary to evaluate and adjust the practised protocols to ensure, at a minimum, the same levels of the image quality, taking into account the aspects of the radiation protection of the patient.


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How to Cite

Gomes Batista, W. O., & de Carvalho, A. G. (2018). Dosimetry and optimization in digital radiography based on the contrast-detail resolution. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 6(3).


