Development of a method for multielemental determination in water by EDXRF with radioisotopic source of 238Pu.


  • Camilo Fuentes Serrano Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Juan Reinaldo Estevez Alvares Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Alfredo Montero Alvarez Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Ivan Pupo Gonzales Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Zahily Herrero Fernandez Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Dennys Leyva Bombuse Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Piet Van Espen University of Antwerp
  • Jossue Arteche Diaz Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Lino Valcarcel Rojas Center of Technological Applications and Nuclear Development
  • Jose Araujo Dos Santos Júnior Federal University of Pernambuco



multielemental determination, EDXRF, water


A method for determination of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Hg and Pb in waters by Energy Dispersive X Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) was implemented, using a radioisotopic source of 238Pu. For previous concentration was employed a procedure including a coprecipitation step with ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (APDC) as quelant agent, the separation of the phases by filtration, the measurement of filter by EDXRF and quantification by a thin layer absolute method. Sensitivity curves for K and L lines were obtained respectively. The sensitivity for most elements was greater by an order of magnitude in the case of measurement with a source of 238Pu instead of 109Cd, which means a considerable decrease in measurement times. The influence of the concentration in the precipitation efficiency was evaluated for each element. In all cases the recoveries are close to 100%, for this reason it can be affirmed that the method of determination of the studied elements is quantitative. Metrological parameters of the method such as trueness, precision, detection limit and uncertainty were calculated. A procedure to calculate the uncertainty of the method was elaborated; the most significant source of uncertainty for the thin layer EDXRF method is associated with the determination of instrumental sensitivities. The error associated with the determination, expressed as expanded uncertainty (in %), varied from 15.4% for low element concentrations (2.5-5 μg/L) to 5.4% for the higher concentration range (20-25 μg/L).


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How to Cite

Serrano, C. F., Alvares, J. R. E., Alvarez, A. M., Gonzales, I. P., Fernandez, Z. H., Bombuse, D. L., Van Espen, P., Diaz, J. A., Rojas, L. V., & Dos Santos Júnior, J. A. (2019). Development of a method for multielemental determination in water by EDXRF with radioisotopic source of 238Pu. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 7(2A (Suppl.).



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