Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Study Coolant Loss Regimes in Very High Temperature Reactors
VHTR, Pebble Bed Reactor, CFDAbstract
The nuclear energy is a good alternative to meet the continuous increase in world energy demand. In this pers-pective, VHTRs (Very High Temperature Reactors) are serious candidates for energy generation due to its inherently safe performance, low power density and high conversion efficiency. However, the viability of these reactors depends on an efficient safety system in the operation of nuclear plants. The HTR (High Temperature Reactor)-10 model, an experimental reactor of the pebble bed type, is used as a case study in this work to perform the thermohydraulic simulation. Due to the complex patterns flow that appear in the pebble bed reactor core CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques are used to simulate these reactors. A realistic approach is adopted to simulate the central annular column of the reactor core. As geometrical model of the fuel elements was selected the BCC (Body Centered Cubic) arrangement. Parameters considered for reactor design are available in the technical report of benchmark issues by IAEA (TECDOC-1694). We obtain the temperature profile distribution in the core for regimes where the coolant flow rate is smaller than recommended in a normal operation. In general, the temperature distributions calculated are consistent with phenomenological behavior. Even without considering the reactivity changes to reduce the reactor power or other safety mechanisms, the maximum temperatures do not exceed the recommended limits for TRISO fuel elements.
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