Protocol for characterization of clay as a backfill and coverage layers for near surface repository


  • Daisy Mary Marchezini dos Santos Nuclear Technology Development Center - CDTN
  • Clédola Cássia Oliveira de Tello Nuclear Technology Development Center - CDTN



bentonite, repository, radioactive waste, RBMN Project


The Radioactive Waste Management includes the operations since generation of the waste until its storage in repository, ensuring the protection of human beings and the environment from the possible negative impacts. The radioactive waste is segregated, treated, conditioned in suitable packages for posterior storage or disposal in repository. The “RBMN Project” objective is to implement the repository for the disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes generated by nuclear activities in Brazil, proposing a definitive solution for their storage. Engineered and natural barriers as the backfill and coverage layers will compose the disposal system of a near surface repository, concept proposed by the “RBMN Project”. The use of these barriers aims to avoid or restrict the release of radionuclides from the waste to the human beings and environment. The waterproofing barriers are composed of clays. Certainly, for the national repository, will be used those clays existing in the place where it will be constructed. Them some basic tests will have to be carried out to verify the suitability of these clays as barriers. These tests were determined and performed with reference clay, a Brazilian bentonite constituted of 67.2% montmorillonite. The results were compared with national and international literature of materials with similar mineralogical features. The values found with 95% of confidence interval were 9.73±0,35 µm for granulometric size; 13,3±0,6% for the moisture content and 816±9 for the capacity of cationic exchange. A protocol for characterization of clay was elaborated presenting these tests for it future use.


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Author Biographies

Daisy Mary Marchezini dos Santos, Nuclear Technology Development Center - CDTN

PhD student in Radiation, Minerals and Materials Science and Technology, CDTN (2021). Master's degree in Radiation Science and Technology, Minerals and Materials by the CDTN (2017), graduation in Chemistry Degree from the University of Itaúna (2009). Your research interests include radioactive wastes and their deposits. Currently she is part of the staff of the SEGRE / CDTN sector.

Clédola Cássia Oliveira de Tello, Nuclear Technology Development Center - CDTN

Graduation in Chemical Engineering from the School of Engineering (1977), a Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1987) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2001). She is currently a member of the National Nuclear Energy Commission, an expert - International Atomic Energy Agency and senior technologist of the National Nuclear Energy Commission. Technical Coordinator of the RBMN Project, whose objective is to implant and build the national repository for low and intermediate level radioactive waste.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, D. M. M., & de Tello, C. C. O. (2019). Protocol for characterization of clay as a backfill and coverage layers for near surface repository. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 7(2A (Suppl.).