Computer Tomography Scanners in Brazil (2010-2017)


  • Thessa Cristina Alonso Development Center of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN)
  • Vivian Carla Rocha Netto Bianchi Development Center of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN)
  • Leandro Abreu Vieira Department of Health of the State of Minas Gerais (VISA/MG)
  • Arnaldo Prata Mourão Department of Nuclear Energy – Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos 6627 - 31270-901-Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Biomedical Engineering Center - Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG) Av. Amazonas 5253 - 30421-169 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
  • Teógenes Augusto Da Silva Development Center of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN)



Computed Tomography, CT scanners, Brazilian statistics.


The aim of this study was to verify the availability of CT scanners in the Brazilian territory, for the period 2010 to 2017, comparing the results with those indicated by the Brazilian legislation (Ordinance GM/MS Nº. 1101, 2002; Resolution RE Nº. 1016, 2006). The second objective is a review of the most recent national data; publishing official statistics on the number of CT scanners installed in Brazil and compares them with the data available from other countries, obtained in international publications. Estimates of the CT scanners distribution are made by the utilization rate, which means the number of scans performed per thousand inhabitants multiplied by the total population of the region, where as the maximum coverage area of scanner in a radius of 75 km or 100,000 inhabitants. The results suggest greater concentration of equipment in the Southeast, South and Midwest area, private and public sectors, and a number of scans far above the recommended, throughout the Brazilian territory. The number of CT scanners currently in operation in Brazil would have the ability to cater to a population up to 110,7 % higher than the current population, and their geographical distribution within the country largely unknown.


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Author Biographies

Thessa Cristina Alonso, Development Center of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN)

Nuclear and Radiological Security Division

Vivian Carla Rocha Netto Bianchi, Development Center of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN)

Nuclear and Radiological Security Division

Teógenes Augusto Da Silva, Development Center of Nuclear Technology (CDTN/CNEN)

Nuclear and Radiological Security Division


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How to Cite

Alonso, T. C., Bianchi, V. C. R. N., Vieira, L. A., Mourão, A. P., & Da Silva, T. A. (2020). Computer Tomography Scanners in Brazil (2010-2017). Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 8(1).




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