Planar and tomographic imaging dosimetry comparing to develop a new radiopharmaceutical for melanoma therapy
preclinical dosimetry, 99mTc- Ixolaris, SPECT, imaging dosimetry method.Abstract
This work aims to compare SPECT (Single Photon Emission Tomography Computed) and planar modalities as the most efficient methodology to perform dosimetry by molecular imaging. Twenty-one male C57BL6 mice induced with murine melanoma cell line B16-F10, administered 131I-Ixolaris were used for melanoma therapy. The procedures applied to them followed the standards described for the use of experimental animals, duly approved by the National Council for Animal Experimentation Control (CONCEA from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The accumulated activities were obtained in order to estimate the absorbed doses in each organ. Mass and metabolic differences between mice and humans were considered and used to extrapolate data acquired at different scales. From the dose factors provided by the MIRDOSE software, the absorbed doses in the target organs irradiated by the source organs were calculated and, finally, the effective dose was estimated. From the Student's t-hypothesis test performed in the accumulated activity, absorbed dose and S-factor quantities, there is no statistically significant difference between performing the image dosimetry from SPECT and planar acquired images.
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