Small break loss of coolant accident of 200 cm² in cold leg of primary loop of Angra2 nuclear power reactor evaluation
Safety analysis, nuclear reactor, ANGRA 2, RELAP5 code.Abstract
The aim of this paper is evaluated the consequences to ANGRA 2 nuclear power reactor and to identify the flow regimes, the heat transfer modes, and the correlations used by RELAP5/MOD3.2.gama code in ANGRA 2 during the Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (SBLOCA) with a 200cm2 of rupture area in the cold leg of primary loop. The Chapter 15 of the Final Safety Analysis Report of ANGRA 2 (FSAR-A2) reports this specific kind of accident. The results from this work demonstrated the several flow regimes and heat transfer modes that can be present in the core of ANGRA 2 during the postulated accident. The results obtained for ANGRA 2 nuclear reactor core during the postulated accident were satisfactory when compared with the FSAR-A2. Additionally, the results showed the correct actuation of the ECCS guaranteeing the integrity of the reactor core.- Views: 141
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