PLATAGAM: a videogame structured as a didactical material for divulgation of some of the benefits of the Gamma Radiation produced in the Cobalt-60 Multipurpose Irradiator at IPEN’s facilities
nuclear technology benefits, educative videogames, didactical materialsAbstract
This paper aimed at the conception and implementation of a platform videogame designed to make known some of the benefits of the use of Gamma Radiation produced in the Cobalt-60 Multipurpose Irradiator, built with Brazilian technology at IPEN’s facilities. Unity 3D game engine and some other free softwares for image edition were used. Four missions await the player, illustrating the following benefits of gamma radiation irradiation: on foods and beverages to retard deterioration and interrupt microorganisms proliferation; on tilapias (a kind of fish), which skins are used in bandages for burns; on surgical materials as a sterilization procedure; and, finally, on museum items, for eradication of plagues on the collection. The authors hope that the offering of this didactic material will aid some effective Science Learning, mainly in Nuclear Technology.
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