ASME in-service inspection and in-service testing programs for Angra 1
Angra 1 NPP, inspection, ASME.Abstract
The in-service inspection program of the Angra 1 plant is updated every 10 years, according to applicable standards - designer (American Project - are followed NRC requirements) and Cnen. NRC approves the use of ASME Section XI (In-service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components). The object of in-service inspection of components in nuclear power plants is to provide a continuing assurance that they are safe. To provide this assurance for those components that are subject to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, a set of rules has been formulated to provide assurance that the functional requirements of the components are available when required. The rules have been arranged to provide appropriate levels of assurance according to the importance of the component in its relationship to plant safety. The classifications that are established during design and manufacturing have been adopted to provide the levels of importance for the components. The types of components typically found in the various classifications have then been identified and rules formulated for each type. For each type of component in each classification, the functions have been considered and methods of inspecting, testing, or monitoring each component is specified. These rules include methods of determining the limits of acceptance of the results. Should it be necessary to take corrective action to repair various components, rules have been provided to establish acceptable methods of repair or replacement. Angra 1 started the Renewal License and Long-term Operation project and there are three important Aging Management Programs (AMP) that are based on ASME section XI. This article will discuss the ASME section XI subsections that are important for the License Renewal and Long-term Operation for Angra 1.
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