Design of a digital system for operational parameters simulation of IPR-R1 Triga nuclear research reactor
Simulation, modeling, nuclear reactorAbstract
The instrumentation of nuclear reactors is designed based on the reliability, redundancy and diversification of control systems. The monitoring of the parameters is of crucial importance with regard to the operational efficiency and safety of the installation. Since the first criticality of a nuclear reactor, achieved by Fermi et al. in 1942, there has been concern about the reliable monitoring of the parameters involved in the chain reaction. This paper presents the current stage of the system of simulation, which is under development at the CDTN, which intends to simulate the operation of the Triga IPR-R1 nuclear reactor, involving the evolution of neutron flux and reactor power related events. The system will be developed using LabVIEW® software, using the modern concept of virtual instruments (VIs) that are visualized in a video monitor. For the implementation of this model, computational tools and systems analysis are necessary, which help and facilitate the implementation of the simulator. In this article we will show some of these techniques and the initial design of the model to be implemented. The design of a computational system is of great importance, since it guides in the implementation stages and generates the documentation for later maintenance and updating of the computational system. It is noteworthy that the innovations developed in research reactors are normally used in power reactors. The relatively low costs enable research reactors to be an excellent laboratory for developing techniques for future reactors.
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LAGE A. M. F, MESQUITA A. Z., and FELIPPE A. A. M. Design of a Digital System for Operational Parameters Simulation of IPRT-R1 Triga Nuclear Research Reactor, In: INTER-NATIONAL NUCLEAR ATLANTIC CONFERENCE, 2017, Belo Horizonte, 22-27 Oct 2017. p. 10-23.
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