Analysis and comparison of computer programs to analyze the irradiation performance of Uranium Molybdenum monolithic fuel plates and Uranium dioxide cylindrical fuel rods in power reactors.
(nuclear fuel performance, computational simulation, power reactor).Abstract
The aim of this work is to present a comparative analysis in terms of the irradiation performance of cylindrical uranium dioxide fuel rods and monolithic uranium molybdenum fuel plates in pressurized light water reactors.
To analyze the irradiation performance of monolithic uranium molybdenum fuel plates when subjected to steady state operating conditions in light water pressurized reactors, the computer program PADPLAC-UMo was used, which performs thermal and mechanical analysis of the fuel taking into account the physical , chemicals and irradiation effects to which this fuel is subjected. For the analysis of the uranium dioxide fuel rods, the code FRAPCON was used, which is an analytical tool that verifies the irradiation performance of fuel rods of pressurized light water reactor, when the power variations and the boundary conditions are slow enough for the term permanent regime to be applied. The analysis for a small nuclear power reactor, despite the higher power density applied to the fuel plate in relation to the fuel rod, showed that the fuel plates have lower temperatures and lower fission gas releases throughout the analyzed power history, allowing the use of a more compact reactor core without exceeding the design limits imposed on nuclear fuel.
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