Digital processing of images with defects due to double beam attenuation in indirect X-ray fluorescence mapping
Digital image processing, genetic algorithm, X-ray transmissionAbstract
This work is based on the adaptation of a commercial X-ray fluorescence mapping equipment to map the transmission of characteristic X-ray beams through a sample. This adaptation was made without physical adjustments to the equipment, working only on the measurement and data processing parameters. The arrangement of the equipment's components causes not only the primary beam to pass through the sample, but also the resulting characteristic X-rays, causing a double attenuation and a defect in the final image known as ghosting. In this approach, a rudimentary genetic algorithm was developed using artificial images with simulated defects. This algorithm showed the characteristics of the convolution matrix K needed to solve the problem. The results show the real possibility of using the equipment for this adapted measurement and a methodology that can be expanded to different situations.
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