Plastic bottle caps as radiation detectors for high gamma radiation doses


  • Lucas N Oliveira
  • Eriberto O. Nascimento
  • Patricia L. Antonio
  • Linda Caldas



Plastic samples, Radiation dosimetry, PCR analyses, FTIR technique


Dosimetric evaluation is indicated for material characterization seeking to identify possible applications; still, proper preprocessing techniques are critical features of this process. This work aimed to determine the linearity response of plastic samples irradiated with gamma rays using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) measurements. The plastic samples were analyzed using Derivatives and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods. They applied linear and Principal Component Regression (PCR) methods to obtain linearity. The methods obtained good results for linearity and also showed the evolution of each technique. In conclusion, the results indicate that the applied methods can be useful in radiation physics and for plastic samples as interesting potential radiation detectors.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, L. N., O. Nascimento, E., L. Antonio, P. ., & V.E. Caldas, L. (2022). Plastic bottle caps as radiation detectors for high gamma radiation doses . Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 10(2A (Suppl.).

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