Development of an additional filtration system by 3D printing for the implementation of new X-ray beam qualities used in diagnostic radiology.


  • Almeida Jr., J.N.
  • Rodrigues Jr., O.
  • Potiens, M.P.A



Additional Filtration,, Diagnostic Radiology,, 3D Printing,, Prototyping,, Calibration.


The Calibration Laboratory (LCI) of the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-/CNEN) offers
calibration services for radiation measurements instruments used in radiation protection, diagnostic radiology
and radiotherapy. LCI produces radiation qualities and irradiation conditions which are in accordance with the
national and international standard requirements. In order to establish the recommended radiation qualities for
diagnostic radiology, X-ray beams generated in laboratory are modified for the irradiation conditions found in
equipment routinely used in healthcare services. In this work, a new additional filtration system was developed
to be adapted to the existing filter system at LCI. The new filter support can be coupled to the PTW Bench
Control installed at the LCI X-ray system. Using a FDM 3D printer, a support model and a set of drawers were
developed for the placement of additional filters. The models were also developed to fit each specific drawer of
each filter to be used in the laboratory routine, coupled to the specific sensors that fit the spaces of the support
part. Additionally, a microcontroller based on Arduino, micro switches, low- and high-level
programming, allow checking of drawer status and integration of information with the laboratory control
system. The system allows the recognition of the filter inserted in the drawer from sensors attached to the
support. Tests were carried out to verify the usability of the system in the routine, adding Ag (silver) and Cu
(copper) filters, for the characterization of attenuated radiation beams of interest in diagnostic radiology.


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How to Cite

Neres de Almeida Junior, J., Rodrigues Junior, O., & Albuquerque Potiens, M. da P. (2022). Development of an additional filtration system by 3D printing for the implementation of new X-ray beam qualities used in diagnostic radiology. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 10(3B (Suppl.).




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