Validating a virtual source model based in Monte Carlo method for profiles and percent depth doses calculation
(virtual source model, Monte Carlo method, radiotherapy)Abstract
The Monte Carlo method for radiation transport has been adapted for medical physics application. More specifically, it has received more attention in clinical treatment planning with the development of more efficient computer simulation techniques. In linear accelerator modeling by the Monte Carlo method, the phase space data file (phsp) is an alternative representation for radiation source. However, to create a phase space file and obtain good precision in the results, it is necessary detailed information about the accelerator's head and commonly the supplier does not provide all the necessary data. An alternative to the phsp is the Virtual Source Model (VSM). This alternative approach presents many advantages for the clinical Monte Carlo application. This is the most efficient method for particle generation and can provide an accuracy similar when the phsp is used. This research propose a VSM simulation with the use of a Virtual Flattening Filter (VFF) for profiles and percent depth doses calculation. Two different sizes of open fields (40 x 40 cm² and 40 x 40 cm² rotated 45°) were used and two different source to surface distance (SSD) were applied: the standard 100 cm and custom SSD of 370 cm, which is applied in radiotherapy treatments of total body irradiation. The data generated by the simulation was analyzed and compared with experimental data to validate the VSM. This current model is easy to build and test.
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