Evaluation of the performance of radiological monitors in use, cities Salvador (BA) and Florianópolis (SC)
Evaluation, performance, diagnostics monitors.Abstract
Evaluate the performance of the monitors used for diagnosis based on the parameters defined by AAMP. Materials and Methods: Using calibrated instrumentation traceable to NIST and RBC, were evaluated in 15 monitors, according to the procedures described in AAMP's report 03 and the Spanish protocol in the following parameters: the general aspects of image quality, geometric distortion, screen reflection and room illumination, luminance response, luminance dependence, spatial and low contrast resolution, noise, internal reflection blanking and screen chromaticity. Results: 100% compliance for geometric distortion tests and 0% compliance for the luminance dependence test. Conclusions: There are nonspecific monitors for diagnosis being used for these purposes, without routinely checking tests, in rooms with high illumination and dirt on the screens and the non-implementation or inadequacy of acceptance and quality control tests. The monitors declared by the manufacturers as diagnostic specific on average showed a higher compliance rate- Views: 127
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