About the Journal


Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences - BJRS
ISSN 2319-0612

One way to impact radiation protection safety culture is by establishing adequate and proper communication processes among all the actors involved in radiation applications, in various fields such as industry, environmental conservation, analytical sciences, agriculture, medical diagnosis and therapy, and other areas.

In this context, the BJRS as an open access journal, supported by the Brazilian Radiation Protection Society - SBPR, an IRPA associate society, aims to disseminate scientific articles on the major disciplines on radiation sciences, including:

  • Biological and Health Effects of Radiation,
  • Radiation Protection of Patients, Workers, and Members of the Public,
  • Radiation Measurements and Dosimetry,
  • International Recommendations and Regulations,
  • Protection of the Environment,
  • Education and Training,
  • Technology and Development,
  • Communication with Society,
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Involvement,
  • Safety Culture and Risk Perception,
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response,
  • Radioactive Waste Management,
  • Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials,
  • Nuclear Safety, Safeguards and Security of Radioactive Material 
  • Nuclear Law
  • Nuclear Reactor Technology: new concepts
  • Nuclear Fuel Cycle.


Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2025)

Continuous publication (Jan-Mar).

Published: 2025-01-03


  • Radiology Technologists certified as Radioprotection Supervisors in Nuclear Medicine: current scenario

    Bianca Senário Félix, Geralda Edineia da Cruz, Pedro Henrique Dias Vieira, Maria Odilia Rodrigues Luz, Dr. Rodrigo Modesto Gadelha Gontijo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2626
  • Exploring the radiation shielding efficiency of low-impact Portland cement pastes made with barium sulfate, silica fume and fly ash

    Maikon Moreira de Pires, Everton Granemann Souza, Chiara das Dores do Nascimento, Larissa Carine Sobreira, Isadora Zucchi Maia, Henrique Trombini, Romulo Rocha Santos, Francisco Roger Carneiro Ribeiro, Mauricio Mancio, Claudio de Souza Kazmierczak , Marlova Piva Kulakowski
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2777
  • Implementation of a methodology for analysis of gross alpha and gross beta, as water potability parameters in Brazil, and 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb for radiological water monitoring

    Christina de Albuquerque Ferreira, Felipe J. Dias, Bruna L. Sá, Mariana R. Monteiro, Edson F. S. Ladeira, Hamilton P. B. Mendes, Richard S. Guimarães, Ronaldo L. Guimarães, Inaya C. B. Lima, Ademir X. Silva
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2512
  • Determination of metals concentration in sedimentary profiles from lagoons affected by the tailings from the collapse of the Fundão dam

    Mariana Ferreira Gonçalves, Dr. José Marcus de O. Godoy, Dra. Ana Cristina de M. Ferreira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2618
  • Evaluation of Radioactivity Concentration and Radiological Impact for a Closed Open Pit Gold Mine

    Eng. Abdalah Kileo, Dr Abubakary Salama, Ms Furaha Chuma, Mr Peter Pantaleo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2548
  • Pressure Vessels Structural Integrity Assessment Using Failure Analysis Diagrams

    Juarez de Jesus Rocha Pinto, Miguel Mattar Neto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2781
  • Generalized Point Reactor Kinetics

    André Luiz Yoshio Valentim Oyama, Adilson Costa da Silva, Alessandro da Cruz Gonçalves, Aquilino Senra Martinez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2773
  • Considering the Figure of Merit as a parameter of optimization in Mammography: a case study of the performance in a CR and a DR system

    Raíssa Xavier Contassot, Leonardo Catusso, Isabela Rocha Veiga da Silva, Fabrício Nery Garrafiel, Davi Silveira Azevedo, Cássio Costa Ferreira, Marcela Costa Alcântara Estácio, Felipe Amorim Santos, João Vinícius Batista Valença
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2765
  • Additional radiation effect on cell viability using neutron irradiated Cisplatin and Carboplatin: preliminary results

    Alexandre Soares Leal, Juliana B Silva, Ana Olivia G Morais, Brigida G A Schirmer
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2614
  • Understanding and enhancing nuclear safety culture in nuclear power plants through a quantitative system dynamics model

    Santiago Gregorio Acuña, Marcelo O. Giménez, Mariela Grinberg, Ochuko Felix Orikpete, Warren Farr
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2025.2819
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