A study on trace elements in fingernails and toenails from adult individuals by instrumental neutron activation analysis
fingernails, toenails, neutron activation analysis, trace elementsAbstract
This study presents results of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of nails from healthy adult individuals living in São Paulo city, Brazil. Concentrations of As, Br, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, K, La, Na, Sb, Se and Zn were determined in fingernails and toenails and their variations with gender, age, body mass index among individuals and inter-element correlations were evaluated. These results indicated that several factors might affect in the nail element composition. In addition, there are few published data for finger and toenails analyses. However, comparisons made between the concentrations of elements obtained in fingernails were reasonable within the range of literature values. The findings of this study may contribute to establish an appropriate protocol to obtain data of nail element composition to be used as reference values.- Views: 257
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