Use of the Grubbs test to study the homogeneity of a NaI(Tl) detector
photopeak counts, NaI(Tl) detectors, homogeneity of detectorAbstract
The NaI(Tl) detector is one of the most used in gamma ray spectrometry because it presents high counting efficiency for gamma rays in a wide range of energy. The crystal can have a lower efficiency that can be indicated by the effects of its aging by several factors such as: the reaction of sodium iodide with magnesium oxide, absorption of water vapor by crystal, and problems related to photomultiplier. In an experiment, several measures can be take and when a doubt exists between one of the measured values it is possible to use a statistical test. Grubbs test is designed to verify the presence of extreme values in sample observations. This paper presents a methodology that has the objective of evaluating the homogeneity of a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector using the Grubbs test to validated the crystal homogeneity. The study pre-established five differents locations in frontal area of detector where measurements were performed using a 137Cs standard source in order to calculate the standard deviation.- Views: 222
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