Application of semi-empirical model for the evaluation of radium activity in phosphogypsum used as component of clinker


  • Ricardo Rossasi Geraldo Federal University of Technology - Paraná, UTFPR
  • Sergei Anatolyevich Paschuk Federal University of Technology - Paraná, UTFPR
  • Rafael Carvalho Barreto Federal University of Technology - Paraná, UTFPR
  • Janine Nicolosi Corrêa Federal University of Technology - Paraná, UTFPR
  • Guilherme Soares Zahn Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - IPEN
  • Paulo Sergio Cardoso da Silva Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - IPEN
  • Amanda Claudia Malagi da Silva Federal University of Technology - Paraná, UTFPR
  • Danielle Cristine Narloch Federal University of Technology - Paraná, UTFPR
  • Isabelle Cabello Araujo Federal University of Technology - Paraná, UTFPR



Phosphogypsum, Clinker, Activity, Radium, Semi-empirical model


Phosphogypsum is a residue that has been used by the cement industry as a substitute for the natural gypsum, used as a clinker additive during the production of Portland cement. There is a potential increase in this residue use since the large amount of phosphogypsum is generated as outcome of the phosphate fertilizer industries. However, phosphogypsum can be considered a source of radioactive contamination since it has 226Ra in its composition. Depending on the concentration of 226Ra, from the radiological protection point of view, this may cause a problem because this radionuclide and its direct decay product 222Rn along with other decay products, represent the largest fraction of radiation internal dose received by people. In order to evaluate the level of radiological risk that may be associated with the use of phosphogypsum, it is necessary to identify the concentration of 226Ra in building material. The aim of this research is to analyze the samples of phosphogypsum in relation to the concentrations of 226Ra, determined indirectly through 222Rn activity measurements. This measurement process has the advantage of being fast, convenient and relatively inexpensive when compared to traditional 226Ra concentration in samples measurement methods. Proposed physical-mathematical model was used to establish radium concentration from radon exhalation rate from cement mortar samples. The 222Rn activity measurements were performed with a portable detector with cubic phosphate samples with 50 mm edges each placed in a closed atmosphere of the sampling chamber until secular equilibrium is achieved. Obtained concentrations of radium activity in studied samples of phosphogypsum and cement mortars were found below the limits recommended by CNEN and international regulation.



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How to Cite

Geraldo, R. R., Paschuk, S. A., Barreto, R. C., Corrêa, J. N., Zahn, G. S., Cardoso da Silva, P. S., Malagi da Silva, A. C., Narloch, D. C., & Araujo, I. C. (2021). Application of semi-empirical model for the evaluation of radium activity in phosphogypsum used as component of clinker. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 9(1A).



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