RMB experimental program on the hydrodynamical behavior of fuel assemblies
Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor, ORQUÍDEA experimental circuit, COLIBRI experimental circuit, fuel assemblyAbstract
The Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor - RMB is a 30 MW pool type research reactor, that uses Materials Testing Reactor - MTR type fuel assemblies. It has a 5x5 square array core with 23 fuel assemblies and two in-core irradiation positions, operating with upward flow and average velocities nearly 10 m/s in the fuel plates channels. The IEA-R1 is a 5 MW pool type research reactor, which also has a 5x5 square array core with 19 standard fuel assemblies, four control fuel assemblies and a central beryllium irradiation device. It operates with downward flow nearly 1.8 m/s in the channels. In order to verify and provide data and information about the dynamical behavior of fuel assemblies under nominal and critical conditions, the experimental circuit ORQUÍDEA is being designed. This circuit will permit upward and downward flow and dynamical behavior of the fuel assemblies and its parts will be tested and verified. Flow rate, temperature, pressure and differential pressure transducers are the instruments of the circuit. Endurance and critical flow velocity tests will be performed. The COLIBRI experimental circuit is being designed to make tests that allow the studies of the fluid-structure phenomenology of fuel plates similar to those of the RMB fuel assemblies when subjected to high flow velocities, which can induce pressure differences between the channels formed by the fuel plates. This work presents a preliminary design for the ORQUÍDEA and COLIBRI experimental circuits to be built at the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN of the Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear - CNEN.- Views: 144
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