Critical Velocity Experimental Assessment in Flat Plate Fuel Element for Nuclear Research Reactor




Critical velocity, plate fuel element, channel blockage, nuclear reactor


Aluminum-coated plates, containing a uranium silicide (U3Si2) meat dispersed in an aluminum matrix, are commonly used in the fuel elements of Material Testing Reactors (MTRs).  These fuel elements are typically comprised of narrow channels formed by parallel flat plates, which allow coolant flow to remove the heat of fission reactions. It is important to mention that the thickness of the plates is much smaller than their width and height. The high flow rates needed to ensure efficient fuel-element cooling may cause fuel-plate mechanical failures due to instability induced by the flow in the channels. In the case of critical velocity, excessive permanent deflections of these plates can cause blockage of the flow channels and lead to overheating.  An experimental facility that simulates a plate-like fuel element with three coolant channels was developed for this work. The test-section dimensions were based on the Fuel Element design of the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB), project being coordinated by the National Commission of Nuclear Energy (CNEN). Experiments were performed to reach Miller's critical velocity condition. This critical condition was reached at 14.5 m/s leading to consequent plastic deformation of the fuel plates


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How to Cite

Andrade, D. A., Gonzalez Mantecón, J., Navarro de Mesquita, R., Mattar Neto, M., Ernesto Umbehaun, P., & Maximo Torres, W. (2022). Critical Velocity Experimental Assessment in Flat Plate Fuel Element for Nuclear Research Reactor. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, 10(3).




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