Assessment of dose heterogeneity in TBI using the thorax of the anthropomorphic Alderson-Rando phantom and TLDs in two different setups
Total Body Irradiation, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiotherapy, ThermoluminescenceAbstract
Total body irradiation (TBI) is a treatment modality of radiotherapy. It can be used for immunosuppression of transplanted patients or for metastatic protocols. In this study, TBI was performed using the anthropomorphic Alderson-Rando phantom filled with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and irradiated with a 6 MV photon beam from the Elekta linear accelerator in two different setups, one at the hospital São Francisco, BH, MG and second at the hospital Santa Casa in Lavras, MG. The dose distribution in the left and right lungs was estimated, analyzed, and compared with results from the literature. Our results showed that dose homogeneity is more adequate with dual-field irradiation.
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