Desenvolvimento de protocolos de dosimetria interna empregando o código MCNPx e fantomas voxelizados de referência da ICRP 110
Internal Dosimetry, MCNPx, ValidationAbstract
The objective of this work was to develop and validate Internal Dosimetry Protocols (IDP) using the ICRP 110 reference voxelized phantoms (RCP_AF and RCP_AM). The reference phantoms were implemented to run on MCNPx. Biodistribution data of 18F-FDG radiopharmaceutical provided in ICRP 106 were used in the simulations. The organs average absorbed doses and the effective committed doses were calculated for each model. The values obtained were compared with two reference works available in the literature for validation purposes. The means of the difference of our values and Zankl et al, 2012 reference values (RV) were 0.1% for RCP_AM and -0.8% for RCP_AF. Considering Hadid et al., 2013 RV, the means of the deviation were -2.5% and -2.6% for RCP_AM and RCP_AF respectively. No statistically significant differences were observed (p <0.01) between the reference values and the values calculated by the IDP developed by our group. Considering this validation designed to estimate the effective dose induced by 18F-FDG injection, internal dosimetry protocols developed by our group have produced suitable dosimetry data.
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