NORM in soil and sludge samples in Dukhan oil Field, Qatar state


  • mohammad mohammad hushari Master in radiation physics





The main objective of this work is to measure the activity concentrations of Naturally Occurring radioactive Materials (NORM) produced as a buy products  in oil production. The analyses of NORM  give available information for guidelines concerning radiation protection. Recently NORM subjected to restricted regulation issued by high legal authority at Qatar state.

Twenty five samples of soil from Dukhan onshore oil field and 10 sludge samples collected from 2 offshore fields at Qatar state. High resolution low-level gamma-ray spectrometry used to measure gamma emitters of NORM.

The activity concentrations of  natural radionuclide in 22 samples from Dukhan oil field, were with average worldwide values . Only three soil samples have high activity concentration of Ra-226 which is more than 185 Bq/kg the exempted level for NORM in the Quatrain regulation. The natural radionuclide activity concentrations of 10 sludge samples from offshore oil fields was greater than 1100Bq/kg the exempted values of NORM set by Quatrain regulation so the sludge need special treatments. The average hazards indices (Hex , D , and Raeq), for the 22 samples were below the word permissible values  .This means that the human exposure to such material not impose any radiation risk. The average hazards indices (Hex , D , and Raeq),for 3 soil samples and sludge samples are higer than the published maximal permissible. Thus human exposure to such material impose radiation risk.


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Author Biography

  • mohammad mohammad hushari, Master in radiation physics
    radiation laboratory -central laboratories



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How to Cite

NORM in soil and sludge samples in Dukhan oil Field, Qatar state. Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, v. 3, n. 1, 2015. DOI: 10.15392/bjrs.v3i1.71. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.